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Logo of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics Department
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По авторам
  1. A. V. Bukh, E. V. Rybalova, I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Classification of musical intervals by spiking neural networks: Perfect student in solfége classes. Chaos 34 (6) — 063102 — 2024. (1 citations).
  2. A. V. Bukh, E. V. Rybalova, I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Mechanism of Selectivity in the Coupled FitzHugh – Nagumo Neurons. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics — 2024.
  3. I. A. Shepelev, E. G. Soboleva, A. A. Kudreyko, S. V. Dmitriev. Influence of the relative stiffness of second-neighbor interactions on chaotic discrete breathers in a square lattice. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 183 — 114885 — 114885 — 2024. (1 citations).
  4. I. D. Kolesnikov, S. A. Shcherbinin, Yu. V. Bebikhov, E. A. Korznikova, I. A. Shepelev, A. A. Kudreyko, S. V. Dmitriev. Chaotic discrete breathers in bcc lattice. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 178 — 114339 — 114339 — 2024. (7 citations).
  5. A. V. Bukh, E. V. Rybalova, I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Российские ученые создали биологическую нейросеть с тонким слухом. РИА-Новости — 2024.
  6. J. S. Ram, S. S. Muni, I. A. Shepelev. Spatiotemporal patterns in a 2D lattice of Hindmarsh–Rose neurons induced by high-amplitude pulses. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 189 — 115613 — 115613 — 2024.
  7. A. V. Bukh, I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Input signal accumulation capability of the FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron. Chaos 34 (12) — 121103 — 2024.
  8. А. В. Бух, Е. В. Рыбалова, И. А. Шепелев, Т. Е. Вадивасова. Классификация музыкальных интервалов в цепочке осцилляторов Фитцхью-Нагумо. XXV международная НАУЧНО-техническая конференция «НЕЙРОИНФОРМАТИКА-2023»: Сборник научных трудов — 271-274 — 2023.
  9. A. V. Bukh, I. A. Shepelev, E. M. Elizarov, S. S. Muni, E. Schöll, G. I. Strelkova. Role of coupling delay in oscillatory activity in autonomous networks of excitable neurons with dissipation. Chaos 33 (7) — 073114 — 073114 — 2023. (8 citations).
  10. I. A. Shepelev, I. D. Kolesnikov, E. A. Korznikova, S. V. Dmitriev. Compressive solitary waves in black phosphorene. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 146 — 115519 — 115519 — 2023. (2 citations).
  11. A. V. Bukh, S. V. Kashtanova, I. A. Shepelev. Complex error minimization algorithm with adaptive change rate. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 176 — 114154 — 114154 — 2023.
  12. A. V. Bukh, E. V. Rybalova, I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Influence of dual frequency auditory signals on FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron network. 2023 7th Scientific School Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications (DCNA) — 2023.
  13. Igor Shepelev, E. A. Korznikova. Dependence of the supersonic propagation of 2-crowdions on the stacking fault energy in FCC metals. MATHEMATICS EDUCATION AND LEARNING — 2022.
  14. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova. Anti-phase synchronization of waves in a multiplex network of van der Pol oscillators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 162 — 112447 — 112447 — 2022. (5 citations).
  15. Igor Shepelev, E. A. Korznikova. Comparison of 4-crowdion propagation dynamics in FCC and BCC lattices. MATHEMATICS EDUCATION AND LEARNING — 2022.
  16. А. В. Бух, Е. М. Елизаров, И. А. Шепелев, Г. И. Стрелкова. Impact of the time delay on behaviour of coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons. Тезисы докладов международной конференции "Динамические системы. Теория и приложения" — 22-23 — 2022.
  17. I. D. Kolesnikov, I. A. Shepelev. Excitation and Propagation of 1-crowdion in BCC Niobium Lattice. Materials. Technologies. Design 4 (1) — 5-10 — 2022. (2 citations).
  18. E.A. Korznikova, V.V. Shunaev, I.A. Shepelev, O.E. Glukhova, S.V. Dmitriev. Ab initio study of the propagation of a supersonic 2-crowdion in fcc Al. Computational Materials Science 204 — 111125 — 111125 — 2022. (12 citations).
  19. L. K. Galiakhmetova, Dmitriy V. Bachurin, Elena A. Korznikova, Igor A. Shepelev, Sergey V. Dmitriev. Propagation of supersonic excitations through the carbon nanotube forest. Laser Physics, Photonic Technologies, and Molecular Modeling — 2022.
  20. I. A. Shepelev, I. D. Kolesnikov, E. A. Korznikova. Analysis of a crowdion propagated in an extremely heated tungsten. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 12193 — 121930M — 2022.
  21. I. A. Shepelev, I. D. Kolesnikov, E. A. Korznikova. Propagation of 2-crowdion in W bcc lattice at finite temperature. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 12194 — 121940F — 2022.
  22. I. A. Shepelev, I. D. Kolesnikov, E. A. Korznikova, S. V. Dmitriev. Compressive soliton in phosphorene at finite temperature. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 12194 — 121940G — 2022.
  23. I.A. Shepelev, D.V. Bachurin, E.A. Korznikova, S.V. Dmitriev. Highly efficient energy and mass transfer in bcc metals by supersonic 2-crowdions. Journal of Nuclear Materials 568 — 153841 — 153841 — 2022. (10 citations).
  24. I.A. Shepelev, D.V. Bachurin, E.A. Korznikova, A.M. Bayazitov, S.V. Dmitriev. Mechanism of remote vacancy emergence by a supersonic crowdion cluster in a 2D Morse lattice. Chinese Journal of Physics 70 — 355-362 — 2021. (12 citations).
  25. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova, V. S. Anishchenko. Anti-phase relay synchronization of wave structures in a heterogeneous multiplex network of 2D lattices. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 143 — 110545 — 110545 — 2021. (13 citations).
  26. I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Synchronization in multiplex networks of chaotic oscillators with frequency mismatch. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 147 — 110882 — 110882 — 2021. (3 citations).
  27. Igor Shepelev, Sergey Dmitriev, Elena Korznikova. Molecular dynamics simulation of high-speed loading of 2D boron nitride. Letters on Materials 11 (1) — 79-83 — 2021. (4 citations).
  28. I. A. Shepelev, S. V. Dmitriev, E. A. Korznikova. Evolution of supersonic 2-crowdion clusters in a 3D Morse lattice. The European Physical Journal B 94 (3) — 71 — 2021. (5 citations).
  29. I. A. Shepelev, S. S. Muni, E. Schöll, G. I. Strelkova. Repulsive inter-layer coupling induces anti-phase synchronization. Chaos 31 (6) — 063116 — 063116 — 2021. (21 citations).
  30. I. A. Shepelev, S. S. Muni, T. E. Vadivasova. Spatiotemporal patterns in a 2D lattice with linear repulsive and nonlinear attractive coupling. Chaos 31 (4) — 043136 — 043136 — 2021. (8 citations).
  31. I. A. Shepelev, S. S. Muni, T. E. Vadivasova. Synchronization of wave structures in a heterogeneous multiplex network of 2D lattices with attractive and repulsive intra-layer coupling. Chaos 31 (2) — 021104 — 021104 — 2021. (12 citations).
  32. I. A. Shepelev, V. S. Anishchenko. Bistable labyrinth-like structures and chimera states in a 2D lattice of van der Pol oscillators. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 93 — 105513 — 105513 — 2021. (7 citations).
  33. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova, V. S. Anishchenko. Synchronization effects for dissipative and inertial coupling between multiplex lattices. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 93 — 105489 — 2021. (7 citations).
  34. I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Effects of external global harmonic influence on chimera states. Nonlinear Dynamics 102 (1) — 417-430 — 2020. (2 citations).
  35. Yuri V. Bebikhov, Igor A. Shepelev, Sergey V. Dmitriev. A review of specially discretized Klein-Gordon models. Saratov Fall Meeting 2019: Computations and Data Analysis: from Nanoscale Tools to Brain Functions — 2020. (2 citations).
  36. Igor A. Shepelev, Dmitry V. Bachurin, Elena A. Korznikova, Sergey V. Dmitriev. Energy exchange in M-crowdion clusters in 2D Morse lattice. The European Physical Journal B 93 (9) — 167 — 2020. (9 citations).
  37. I.A. Shepelev, A.P. Chetverikov, S.V. Dmitriev, E.A. Korznikova. Shock waves in graphene and boron nitride. Computational Materials Science 177 — 109549 — 109549 — 2020. (42 citations).
  38. I. A. Shepelev, S. V. Dmitriev, A. A. Kudreyko, M. G. Velarde, E. A. Korznikova. Supersonic voidions in 2D Morse lattice. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 140 — 110217 — 110217 — 2020. (33 citations).
  39. I. A. Shepelev, E. A. Korznikova, D. V. Bachurin, A. S. Semenov, A. P. Chetverikov, S. V. Dmitriev. Supersonic crowdion clusters in 2D Morse lattice. Physics Letters A 384 (1) — 126032 — 126032 — 2020. (27 citations).
  40. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, S. S. Muni, V. S. Anishchenko. Quantifying the Transition from Spiral Waves to Spiral Wave Chimeras in a Lattice of Self-sustained Oscillators. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 25 (6) — 597-615 — 2020. (10 citations).
  41. I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. External localized harmonic influence on an incoherence cluster of chimera states. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 133 — 109642 — 109642 — 2020. (4 citations).
  42. E. A. Korznikova, I. A. Shepelev, E. L. Vardanyan, K. N. Ramazanov, P. V. Zakharov. Regimes of mass transfer in a 2D crystal in nonequilibrium states. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1008 (1) — 012034 — 2020. (2 citations).
  43. Ayrat M. Bayazitova, Elena A. Korznikova, Igor A. Shepelev, Pavel V. Zakharovd, Sergey V. Dmitriev. Breathing dynamics of 2-crowdions in platinum. Saratov Fall Meeting 2019: Computations and Data Analysis: from Nanoscale Tools to Brain Functions — 2020. (3 citations).
  44. Dina U. Abdullinaa, Alexey A. Kudreyko, Elena A. Korznikova, Igor A. Shepelev, Sergey V. Dmitriev. Phase transitions in carbon nanotube bundles under lateral compression. Saratov Fall Meeting 2019: Computations and Data Analysis: from Nanoscale Tools to Brain Functions — 2020. (3 citations).
  45. I.A. Shepelev, S.V. Dmitriev, A.Yu. Morkina, S.Yu. Fomin, E.A. Korznikova. Mass transfer in platinum by crowdion clusters initiated by the impact of a Pt2 molecule. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1008 (1) — 012036 — 2020. (2 citations).
  46. Igor A. Shepelev, Elena A. Korznikova, Pavel V. Zakharov, Sergey V. Dmitriev. Energy exchange of a M-soliton cluster in a 2D Morse lattice. Saratov Fall Meeting 2019: Computations and Data Analysis: from Nanoscale Tools to Brain Functions — 2020. (2 citations).
  47. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, S. S. Muni, V. S. Anishchenko. Role of solitary states in forming spatiotemporal patterns in a 2D lattice of van der Pol oscillators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 135 — 109725 — 109725 — 2020. (21 citations).
  48. A. M. Bayazitov, S. V. Dmitriev, P. V. Zakharov, I. A. Shepelev, S. Yu. Fomin, E. A. Korznikova. Features of mass transfer by N-crowdions in fcc Ni3Al lattice. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 672 (1) — 012033 — 2019. (9 citations).
  49. Rita I. Babicheva, Iman Evazzade, Elena A. Korznikova, Igor A. Shepelev, Kun Zhou, Sergey V. Dmitriev. Low-energy channel for mass transfer in Pt crystal initiated by molecule impact. Computational Materials Science 163 — 248-255 — 2019. (37 citations).
  50. I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Variety of spatio-temporal regimes in a 2D lattice of coupled bistable FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators. Formation mechanisms of spiral and double-well chimeras. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 79 — 104925 — 104925 — 2019. (19 citations).
  51. I.A. Shepelev, T.E. Vadivasova. Inducing and destruction of chimeras and chimera-like states by an external harmonic force. Physics Letters A 382 (10) — 690-696 — 2018. (10 citations).
  52. A M Bayazitov, E A Korznikova, I A Shepelev, A P Chetverikov, S Kh Khadiullin, E A Sharapov, P V Zakharov, S V Dmitriev. Scenarios of mass transfer in fcc copper: the role of point defects. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 447 — 012040 — 2018. (10 citations).
  53. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, S. Ruschel, S. Yanchuk, T. E. Vadivasova. Local sensitivity of spatiotemporal structures. Nonlinear Dynamics 94 (2) — 1019-1027 — 2018. (8 citations).
  54. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova, V. S. Anishchenko, A. Zakharova. Double-well chimeras in 2D lattice of chaotic bistable elements. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 54 — 50-61 — 2018. (34 citations).
  55. E. A. Korznikova, I. A. Shepelev, A. P. Chetverikov, S. V. Dmitriev, S. Yu. Fomin, Kun Zhou. Dynamics and Stability of Subsonic Crowdion Clusters in 2D Morse Crystal. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 127 (6) — 1009-1015 — 2018. (24 citations).
  56. I. A. Shepelev, G. I. Strelkova, V. S. Anishchenko. Chimera states and intermittency in an ensemble of nonlocally coupled Lorenz systems. Chaos 28 (6) — 063119 — 063119 — 2018. (20 citations).
  57. E A Korznikova, I A Shepelev, A P Chetverikov, S Yu Fomin, S V Dmitriev. Subsonic M, N-crowdions in 2D Morse crystal. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 447 — 012030 — 2018. (13 citations).
  58. I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova, A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova, V. S. Anishchenko. New type of chimera structures in a ring of bistable FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators with nonlocal interaction. Physics Letters A 381 (16) — 1398-1404 — 2017. (55 citations).
  59. И. А. Шепелев, Т. Е. Вадивасова. Solitary states in a 2D lattice of bistable elements with global and close to global interaction. Nelineinaya Dinamika 13 (3) — 317-329 — 2017. (8 citations).
  60. I. A. Shepelev, D. V. Shamshin, G. I. Strelkova, T. E. Vadivasova. Bifurcations of spatiotemporal structures in a medium of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons with diffusive coupling. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 104 — 153-160 — 2017. (13 citations).
  61. A.P. Chetverikov, I.A. Shepelev, E.A. Korznikova, A.A. Kistanov, S.V. Dmitriev, M.G. Velarde. Breathing subsonic crowdion in Morse lattices. Computational Condensed Matter 13 — 59-64 — 2017. (43 citations).
  62. А. В. Бух, И. А. Шепелев. Компьютерная программа для моделирования сетей динамических элементов, описывающаяся одномерными или двумерными матрицами связи. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ RU2017612340 (20.02.2017) — заявка RU2016664608 (29.12.2016) — 2017.
  63. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova, T. E. Vadivasova, V. S. Anishchenko. Chimera states in ensembles of bistable elements with regular and chaotic dynamics. Nonlinear Dynamics 90 (4) — 2317-2330 — 2017. (35 citations).
  64. I. A. Shepelev, A. Zakharova, T. E. Vadivasova. Chimera regimes in a ring of oscillators with local nonlinear interaction. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 44 — 277-283 — 2017. (15 citations).
  65. E. A. Korznikova, A. A. Kistanov, K. S. Sergeev, D. A. Shepelev, A. R. Davletshin, D. I. Bokij, S. V. Dmitriev. The reason for existence of discrete breathers in 2D and 3D Morse crystals. Letters on Materials 6 (3) — 221-226 — 2016. (11 citations).
  66. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova. Different synchronization characteristics of distinct types of traveling waves in a model of active medium with periodic boundary conditions. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 38 — 206-217 — 2016. (12 citations).
  67. I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Chimera regimes in a ring of elements with local unidirectional interaction. Nelineinaya Dinamika — 197-209 — 2016.
  68. I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Evolution of traveling waves in bistable medium with periodic boundary conditions. Technical Physics Letters 41 (9) — 828-831 — 2015. (1 citations).
  69. Igor A. Shepelev, Tatiana E. Vadivasova, Dmitry E. Postnov. Traveling waves and dynamical formation of autonomous pacemakers in a bistable medium with periodic boundary conditions. SPIE Proceedings — 2015. (1 citations).
  70. Т. Е. Вадивасова, И. А. Шепелев. Эволюция бегущих волн в бистабильной среде с периодическими граничными условиями. Письма в журнал технической физики 41 (17) — 27-33 — 2015.
  71. A. V. Slepnev, I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. Noise-induced effects in an active medium with periodic boundary conditions. Technical Physics Letters 40 (1) — 62-64 — 2014. (2 citations).
  72. A. V. Slepnev, I. A. Shepelev, T. E. Vadivasova. External synchronization of traveling waves in an active medium in self-sustained and excitable regime. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 22 (2) — 50-61 — 2014.
  • Responsible for the maintenance and the content of the website: Natalia Nikishina, Andrei Bukh и Tatyana Bogatenko
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