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По авторам
  1. Vladimir V. Semenov. The impact of nonlocal coupling on deterministic and stochastic wavefront propagation in an ensemble of bistable oscillators. Physics Letters A 532 — 130189 — 130189 — 2025.
  2. Anna Zakharova, Vladimir V. Semenov. Delayed-feedback oscillators replicate the dynamics of multiplex networks: Wavefront propagation and stochastic resonance. Neural Networks 183 — 106939 — 106939 — 2025. (2 citations).
  3. I. A. Korneev, A. Zakharova, V. V. Semenov. Lévy noise-induced coherence resonance: Numerical study versus experiment. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 184 — 115037 — 115037 — 2024.
  4. I. A. Korneev, I. R. Ramazanov, V. V. Semenov, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova. Synchronization effects in multiplex networks of chaotic maps with memristive interlayer coupling. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 135 — 108072 — 108072 — 2024.
  5. I. A. Korneev, I. R. Ramazanov, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova, V. V. Semenov. Traveling waves in an ensemble of excitable oscillators: The interplay of memristive coupling and noise. Chaos 34 (12) — 123110 — 2024.
  6. A. Zakharova, V. V. Semenov. Stochastic control of spiking activity bump expansion: Monotonic and resonant phenomena. Chaos 33 (8) — 081101 — 2023. (3 citations).
  7. Vladimir V. Semenov, Sarika Jalan, Anna Zakharova. Multiplexing-based control of noise-induced collective dynamics in multilayer networks of bistable oscillators: stochastic resonance and wavefront propagation. 2023 7th Scientific School Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications (DCNA) — 2023.
  8. Vladimir V. Semenov, Xavier Porte, Laurent Larger, Daniel Brunner. Deterministic and stochastic coarsening control in optically addressed spatial light modulators subject to optical feedback. Physical Review B 108 (2) — 024307 — 2023. (1 citations).
  9. V. V. Semenov, A. V. Bukh, N. Semenova. Delay-induced self-oscillation excitation in the Fitzhugh–Nagumo model: Regular and chaotic dynamics. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 172 — 113524 — 113524 — 2023. (5 citations).
  10. V. V. Semenov, S. Jalan, A. Zakharova. Multiplexing-based control of wavefront propagation: The interplay of inter-layer coupling, asymmetry and noise. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 173 — 113656 — 113656 — 2023. (1 citations).
  11. В. В. Семенов, А. В. Бух, Н. И. Семенова. Возбуждение автоколебаний в модели ФитцХью-Нагумо: периодическая и хаотическая динамика. Нелинейные дни в Саратове для молодых - 2023: материалы XXX Всероссийской научной конференции 17 — 43-44 — 2023.
  12. I. A. Korneev, I. R. Ramazanov, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova, V. V. Semenov. Feigenbaum scenario without parameters. Chaos 33 (9) — 091102 — 091102 — 2023.
  13. I. A. Korneev, A. V. Slepnev, A. S. Zakharova, T. E. Vadivasova, V. V. Semenov. Generalized model for steady-state bifurcations without parameters in memristor-based oscillators with lines of equilibria. Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (2) — 1235-1243 — 2023. (2 citations).
  14. I. A. Korneev, I. R. Ramazanov, V. V. Semenov, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova. Synchronization of Traveling Waves in Memristively Coupled Ensembles of FitzHugh–Nagumo Neurons With Periodic Boundary Conditions. Frontiers in Physics 10 — 886476 — 2022. (2 citations).
  15. V. V. Semenov, X. Porte, I. Abdulhalim, L. Larger, D. Brunner. Erratum: “Two-color optically addressed spatial light modulator as a generic spatiotemporal system” [Chaos 31, 121104 (2021)]. Chaos 32 (2) — 029901 — 029901 — 2022.
  16. V. V. Semenov. Synthesis of memristive one-ports with piecewise-smooth characteristics. International Journal of Electronics Letters — 1-10 — 2022. (2 citations).
  17. V. V. Semenov, A. Zakharova. Multiplexing-based control of stochastic resonance. Chaos 32 (12) — 121106 — 2022. (8 citations).
  18. I. A. Korneev, V. V. Semenov, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova. The impact of memristive coupling initial states on travelling waves in an ensemble of the FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 147 — 110923 — 110923 — 2021. (22 citations).
  19. V. V. Semenov, X. Porte, C. Conti, I. Abdulhalim, L. Larger, and D. Brunner. Optically-addressed spatial light modulator for the Ising machine implementation. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2021 — ej_1_3 — 2021.
  20. V. V. Semenov, X. Porte, I. Abdulhalim, L. Larger, D. Brunner. Two-color optically addressed spatial light modulator as a generic spatiotemporal system. Chaos 31 (12) — 121104 — 121104 — 2021. (8 citations).
  21. V. V. Semenov, X. Porte, C. Conti, I. Abdulhalim, L. Larger, D. Brunner. Optically-addressed spatial light modulator for the Ising machine implementation. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 — 2021.
  22. I. A. Korneev, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova, V. V. Semenov. Subcritical Andronov–Hopf scenario for systems with a line of equilibria. Chaos 31 (7) — 073102 — 073102 — 2021. (4 citations).
  23. I. A. Korneev, V. V. Semenov, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova. Complete synchronization of chaos in systems with nonlinear inertial coupling. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 142 — 110459 — 110459 — 2021. (45 citations).
  24. И. А. Корнеев, А. В. Слепнев, В. В. Семенов, Т. Е. Вадивасова. Волновые процессы в кольце мемристивно связанных автогенераторов. Известия вузов. ПНД 28 (3) — 324-340 — 2020. (2 citations).
  25. I. A. Korneev, V. V. Semenov, T. E. Vadivasova. Synchronization of Periodic Self-Oscillators Interacting via Memristor-Based Coupling. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30 (07) — 2050096 — 2020. (10 citations).
  26. I. A. Korneev, A. V. Slepnev, V. V. Semenov, T. E. Vadivasova. Forced synchronization of an oscillator with a line of equilibria. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 229 (12-13) — 2215-2224 — 2020. (9 citations).
  27. I. A. Korneev, A. V. Slepnev, V. V. Semenov, T. E. Vadivasova. Mutual Synchronization of Dissipatively Coupled Memristive Self-Oscillators. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics 20 (3) — 210-221 — 2020.
  28. X. Porte, L. Andreoli, N. I. Semenova, V. V. Semenov, M. Jacquot, L. Larger, D. Brunner. Noise and Consistency of Analogue Spatio-Temporal Photonic Neural Networks. 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference — jsi_p_10 — 2019.
  29. T. R. Bogatenko, V. V. Semenov. Coherence resonance in an excitable potential well. Physics Letters A 382 (37) — 2645-2649 — 2018. (11 citations).
  30. V. V. Semenov, Y. L. Maistrenko. Dissipative solitons for bistable delayed-feedback systems. Chaos 28 (10) — 101103 — 101103 — 2018. (12 citations).
  31. T. E. Vadivasova, I. A. Korneev, O. G. Shabalina, V. V. Semenov. Synchronization self-sustained oscillators interacting through the memristor. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 26 (2) — 24-40 — 2018. (3 citations).
  32. V.V. Semenov. Self-oscillation excitation under condition of positive dissipation in a state-dependent potential well. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 116 — 358-364 — 2018. (3 citations).
  33. I. A. Korneev, V. V. Semenov. Andronov–Hopf bifurcation with and without parameter in a cubic memristor oscillator with a line of equilibria. Chaos 27 (8) — 081104 — 081104 — 2017. (25 citations).
  34. V. V. Semenov. Noise-induced transitions in a double-well excitable oscillator. Physical Review E 95 (5) — 052205 — 2017. (7 citations).
  35. I.A. Korneev, T.E. Vadivasova, V.V. Semenov. Hard and soft excitation of oscillations in memristor-based oscillators with a line of equilibria. Nonlinear Dynamics 89 (4) — 2829-2843 — 2017. (21 citations).
  36. V. V. Semenov, A. Zakharova, Y. Maistrenko, E. Schöll. Delayed-feedback chimera states: Forced multiclusters and stochastic resonance. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 115 (1) — 10005 — 2016. (58 citations).
  37. K. V. Zakoretskii, V. V. Semenov, T. E. Vadivasova. Experimental study of the effect of parametric noise on the Andronov–Hopf bifurcation in brusselator. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 61 (10) — 1120-1128 — 2016. (1 citations).
  38. В. В. Семенов, А. Б. Нейман, Т. Е. Вадивасова, В. С. Анищенко. Индуцированные шумом эффекты в модели бистабильного осциллятора с переменной диссипацией. Известия вузов. ПНД 24 (1) — 5-15 — 2016. (1 citations).
  39. V. V. Semenov, A. Zakharova, Y. Maistrenko, E. Schöll. Deterministic and stochastic control of chimera states in delayed feedback oscillator. AIP Conference Proceedings — 2016. (6 citations).
  40. V.V. Semenov, A.B. Neiman, T.E. Vadivasova, V.S. Anishchenko. Noise-induced transitions in a double-well oscillator with nonlinear dissipation. Physical Review E 93 (5) — 052210 — 2016. (17 citations).
  41. V. V. Semenov, A. V. Feoktistov, T. E. Vadivasova, E. Schöll, A. Zakharova. Time-delayed feedback control of coherence resonance near subcritical Hopf bifurcation: Theory versus experiment. Chaos 25 (3) — 033111 — 033111 — 2015. (44 citations).
  42. V. V. Semenov, I. A. Korneev, P. A. Arinushkin, G. I. Strelkova, T. E. Vadivasova, V. S. Anishchenko. Numerical and experimental studies of attractors in memristor-based Chua’s oscillator with a line of equilibria. Noise-induced effects. The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224 (8) — 1553-1561 — 2015. (33 citations).
  43. V. V. Semenov, T. E. Vadivasova, E. Schöll, A. S. Zakharova. Time-delayed Feedback Control of Coherence Resonance. Experimental Study. Series Physics 15 (3) — 43-51 — 2015.
  44. V. V. Semenov, A. S. Listov, T. E. Vadivasova. Experimental study of stochastic phenomena in a self­sustained oscillator with subcritical Andronov–Hopf bifurcation. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 22 (5) — 43-57 — 2014.
  45. A.A. Kuptsova, V.V. Semenov, A.S. Listov. Study of Stochastic Andronov – Hopf Bifurcation in the Oscillator by a Numerical Method. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics 14 (2) — 59-64 — 2014.
  46. V. V. Semenov. Experimental research of self-oscillation destruction under additive noise action. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 21 (3) — 43-51 — 2013.
  47. V.V. Semenov, T.E. Vadivasova, V.S. Anishchenko. Experimental investigation of the evolution of probability distribution in self-sustained oscillators with additive noise. Technical Physics Letters 39 (7) — 632-635 — 2013. (3 citations).
  48. В. С. Маляев, В. В. Семенов, Т. Е. Вадивасова. Экспериментальная оценка неизвестного параметра нелинейной системы в присутствии динамического шума. Известия вузов. ПНД 20 (3) — 17-28 — 2012.
  • Responsible for the maintenance and the content of the website: Natalia Nikishina, Andrei Bukh и Tatyana Bogatenko
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