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Logo of Physics Institute
Logo of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics Department
По авторам
По годам
  1. A. V. Bukh, E. V. Rybalova, V. S. Anishchenko. Synchronization of chimera structures in multilayer networks of coupled nonlinear oscillators. AMCOS — Barcelona, Spain (PRBB) — March 19 — March 23 — 2018.
  2. V. S. Anishchenko, A. V. Bukh. Autowave structures including chimeras in two-dimensional ensembles of coupled oscillators. Chaotic oscillations and pattern formation — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — October 1 — October 6 — 2019.
  3. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh. Chimera regimes in a two-dimensional network of cubic maps with nonlocal coupling. Chimera States — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — September 14 — September 16 — 2016.
  4. A. V. Slepnev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova. Peculiarities of chimera states formation in an ensemble of non-locally coupled Anishchenko-Astakhov self-sustained oscillators. Chimera States — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — September 14 — September 16 — 2016.
  5. A. V. Slepnev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova. Influence of noise on spatio-temporal dynamics of ensembles of chaotic maps. Computer Science and Information Technologies — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — July 2 — July 3 — 2018.
  6. A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova, V. S. Anishchenko. Synchronization of chimera states in two coupled ensembles of nonlinear chaotic oscillators. Computer Science and Information Technologies — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — July 2 — July 3 — 2018.
  7. A. V. Bukh, E. Schöll, V. S. Anishchenko. Synchronization of spiral wave patterns in coupled 2D lattices of discrete maps. DPG Spring Meeting — Regensburg, Germany (Technical University) — March 31 — April 5 — 2019.
  8. A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova, V. S. Anishchenko. Spiral wave patterns and their synchronization in lattices of nonlocally coupled discrete-time systems. DPG Spring Meeting — Regensburg, Germany (Technical University) — March 31 — April 5 — 2019.
  9. A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova, V. S. Anishchenko. Spatiotemporal patterns in two-dimensional lattices of nonlocally coupled nonlinear maps. International Conference on Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems — Warnemünde, Rostock, Germany (Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne) — September 9 — September 13 — 2018.
  10. G. I. Strelkova, A. V. Bukh, V. S. Anishchenko. Synchronization of chimera states in coupled networks of chaotic maps. International Conference on Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems — Warnemünde, Rostock, Germany (Yachthafenresidenz Hohe Düne) — September 9 — September 13 — 2018.
  11. A. V. Slepnev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova. Influence of noise on chimera states in one-dimensional ensembles of nonlocally coupled maps with period doubling bifurcations. International Conference on Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems — Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany (Tageszentrum der LEUCOREA) — August 29 — August 31 — 2017.
  12. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova. Local indexes of stability. IV International Scientific Conference — Yerevan, Armenia (Yerevan State University) — October 2 — October 6 — 2017.
  13. A. V. Bukh, G. I. Strelkova, V. S. Anishchenko. Spatiotemporal structures in a two-dimensional lattice of nonlocally coupled neuron maps. Saratov Fall Meeting — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — September 24 — September 29 — 2018.
  14. I. A. Shepelev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova. Application of local index of stability for analysis of ensembles of coupling elements. Saratov Fall Meeting — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — September 25 — September 29 — 2017.
  15. A. V. Bukh, A. V. Slepnev, T. E. Vadivasova. Noise-induced transitions in an ensemble of nonlocally coupled maps with period-doubling bifurcations. Saratov Fall Meeting — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — September 25 — September 29 — 2017.
  16. A. V. Slepnev, A. V. Bukh, T. E. Vadivasova. Peculiarities of chimera states formation in an ensemble of non-locally coupled Anishchenko-Astakhov self-sustained oscillators. Saratov Fall Meeting — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — September 26 — September 30 — 2016.
  17. A. V. Bukh, E. Schöll, V. S. Anishchenko. Synchronization of spiral wave structures in coupled 2D lattices of discrete maps. Saratov Fall Meeting — Saratov, Russia (Saratov State University) — September 23 — September 27 — 2019.
  18. А. В. Бух, А. В. Слепнев, В. С. Анищенко, Т. Е. Вадивасова. Влияние шума на химерные состояния в ансамбле нелокально связанных хаотических дискретных осцилляторов. Нелинейные волны — Нижний Новгород, Россия (ИПФ РАН) — 26 февраля — 4 марта — 2018.
  19. И. А. Шепелев, А. В. Бух, Т. Е. Вадивасова, В. С. Анищенко. Локальные показатели чувствительности. Нелинейные дни в Саратове для молодых — Саратов, Россия (СГУ им. Н.Г. Чернышевского) — 28 ноября — 1 декабря — 2017.
  20. А. П. Гулай, А. В. Бух. Исследование мультистабильности и вынужденной синхронизации в неавтономной системе двух осцилляторов Ван Дер Поля с отталкивающим взаимодействием. Нелинейные дни в Саратове для молодых — Саратов, Россия (СГУ им. Н.Г. Чернышевского) — 26 ноября — 27 ноября — 2014.
  • Responsible for the maintenance and the content of the website: Andrei Bukh и Tatyana Bogatenko
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