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Zayko Yu.N., Nefedov I.S.

Dinamical chaos in a nonlinear dielectric with the first kind phase transition
Yu.N. Zayko tex2html_wrap_inline2366 , I.S. Nefedov tex2html_wrap_inline2370
tex2html_wrap_inline2366 Volga Region Academy of State Service, Saratov, Russia
tex2html_wrap_inline2370 Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of Russian Ac. Sci., Saratov Branch

The idea of dynamical description of cooperative phenomena in particular phase transitions goes back to V.L. Ginzburg's works [1]. Here we develop this approach with the help of the Korteveg-de Vris-Burgers equation (KdVB) for the polarization of ferroelectric with the lattice free of symmetry center, for example KDP, which was derived in Ref. [2]:


where tex2html_wrap_inline2774 and tex2html_wrap_inline4520 are time and coordinate, respectively, P is polarization, A,B and D are real coefficients. The main feature of this KdVB equation is that some of its coefficients have a pole at the tex2html_wrap_inline4528 , where tex2html_wrap_inline4530 is the Curie temperature. This leads to the existence of an unlimited sequence of bifurcation points where the n-th mode of periodic solution grows abruptly for tex2html_wrap_inline4534 . This sequence has a limiting point at tex2html_wrap_inline4528 , which allowed the analogy with the Feigenbaum cascade [3]. With tex2html_wrap_inline4538 the coefficients of KdVB equation become imaginary and Eq. (1) has the form (dimentionless):


Here we use a traveling wave type coordinate tex2html_wrap_inline4462 and new real coefficients R and tex2html_wrap_inline2744 which govern the behavior of the system. After substituting p=u+iw and a single integration we deduce from Eq. (2):


where tex2html_wrap_inline4548 are the arbitrary constants. Below we present the anlytical and numerical investigation of the problem for T;SPMgt;Tc.

The main results of the investigation of Eqs. (3) are as follows:

1. The Eqs. (3) do not belong to the class of Hamiltonian systems, i.e. it has no real Hamiltonian even for tex2html_wrap_inline4552 .

2. In spite of dissipation, Eqs. (3) conserve the phase volume unlike the typical dissipative systems.

3. There exists the curve tex2html_wrap_inline4554 which divides the plane of parameters tex2html_wrap_inline4556 into two branches with different qualitative behavior of Eqs.(3) solutions ( tex2html_wrap_inline4558 ).

4. The behavior of the Kolmogorov-Sinay entropy lookes like the behavior of thermodynamical entropy near tex2html_wrap_inline4528 .

5. Eqs.(3) (with tex2html_wrap_inline4562 ) have no rigorous periodic solutions or those which are assymptotically approaching them.

6. Despite the constant presence of chaotic component, solutions of Eqs.(3) can be classified similarly to the classification for a dynamical systems demontrating transition to chaos through the destruction of torus in phase space.

  1. V.A. Bursian, Nonlinear crystall: Barium Titanate, (Moscow, Nauka, 1974).
  2. Yu.N. Zayko, Zhurnal Technicheskoi Fiziki, 59(9) (1989) 172.
  3. Yu.N. Zayko, Pisma v Zhurnal Technicheskoi Fiziki, 18(3) (1992) 63.

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