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Zayko Yu.N.

The features of geometrical phase of modulated wave
propagated in plane waveguide

Yu.N. Zayko
Volga Region Academy of State Service, Saratov, Russia

The results of this paper are concerned with the revealing of geometrical phase for modulated waves, especially pulses, propagated in dispersive media, for instance in plane metallic waveguide. It is shown here that distortions of a signal tex2html_wrap_inline4474 (z - coordinate, t - time, tex2html_wrap_inline3050 - carrying frequency) according to dispersion may be represented as a rotation of a phase vector tex2html_wrap_inline4482 = (a,b) in plane space which is leaning against basic vectors tex2html_wrap_inline4486 and tex2html_wrap_inline4488 . This rotation leads to transformation of vector tex2html_wrap_inline4482 with the help of definite matrix W, which is an analog of wellknown Jones matrix in polarisation optics [1]. Matrix W depends on dispersive character of medium. This geometric picture can be supplied with the mapping of phase space, mentioned above to a hemisphere, which radius is equal to maximum of amplitude of a signal.


Two parameters of a mapping are the polar angles of vector tex2html_wrap_inline4494 . The main result consists of that closed paths on this hemisphere drawn up by the end of tex2html_wrap_inline4482 which are embracing the polar axis are absent. There exist only such a paths along which change of geometrical phase tex2html_wrap_inline4498 is nonmonothonic. These oscillations of geometrical phase or momentary frequency were found in [2]. The specific feature of this effect is that the geometric phase oscillates with the period of carrying frequency. It's whole deviation during the period is equal to zero what is in agreement with the zero spatial angle which is drawn up by the end of wave vector tex2html_wrap_inline4500 on unit sphere in space of wavevectors. Notice, that wave vector tex2html_wrap_inline4500 is that of one of two plane waves constructing the ordinary tex2html_wrap_inline4504 wave in waveguide: their directions are at the angle tex2html_wrap_inline4506 to the longitudinal axis of waveguide, tex2html_wrap_inline4508 is a cutoff frequency [3].

  1. A. Yariv and P. Yeh, Optical waves in crystals, (John Willey and Sons, New York, 1984).
  2. Yu.N. ko, Izvestiya Vuzov: Radiofizika, 32 (12) (1989) 1558.
  3. L.A. Vainshtein, Electromagnetic waves, (Moscow, Radio i svyaz, 1988).

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