Stabilization of non-linear dynamic systems with chaos
V.V. Zelenskyi
National Technocal University of Ukraine "KPI"
The structure instability caused by small disturbances is the compulsory feature for many chaotic processes. The present paper is dealt with the objects described by non-linear operator equations of the form:
Here is non-linear operator, X - Banach space,
- its dual,
Let we have the following informationabout the object: the system in the dual
space behaves itself chaotically inside the ball with radius
. Besides it we know that
The problems of stabilizability and stability of such systems, i.e. existing
of such solutions of the operator equation (1) which are inside the ball with
radius such that
Definition 1. The system (1) will be called stabilizable if the set
is not empty.
Definition 2. The system (1) will be called stable if
there exists such
, that
satysfying the condition
the set
is not empty and
Theorem. Let non-linear monotone operator is radially
continuous and satisfies the condition
Then there exists such regulator that the set
is not empty and .
It means that the system (1) is stabilizable and stable.
The map is obtained.