Structure of the amorthous silicon as determinated chaos
A.A. Aivazov , N.V. Bodyagin
, and S.P. Vikhrov
The Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia;
The Radiotechnical Academy, Ryazan, Russia
The conditions necessary for self-organization have been shown to be realized during amorphous and crystalline material production. They are: remoteness from equilibrium and nonlinearity. It has demonstrated, that structure of the amorphous silicon and other amorphous materials is non-random. It is very complicated formation - product of the collective effects during production processes.
The amorphous materials are the frozen, metastable, synergetic states. They are arising and existing as the determinated chaos - the fundamental property of the substance during the nonequilibrium phase transitions. This is also referred to quasicrystalline materials which have the different degrees of regulation and defects. Methods of the definition of the strange attractor parameters are suggested.
The different experimental facts confirming the chaotic dynamics in the amorphous semiconductors growth processes: structure defects, the weak reproductivity of properties, the peculiarities of the state distributions, the dependence of the structure on the substrate and the border conditions etc. have been presented. It is demonstrated, that some deficiencies of the amorphous semiconductors are the fundamental properties of this substance state.
The main principles of the simulation of the amorphous state are defined on the basis of cellular automata and one- and two-dimensional maps. The model of the transition from crystal to amorphous state is suggested according to Feigenbaum scenario. The fractal dimension of some structures of the amorphous materials has been determined. The principal control possibility of the complicated behaviour duiring the material synthesis has been considered.