Dynamics of intermediate layers in the
solid materials growth processes
A.A. Aivazov , N.V. Bodyagin
, and S.P. Vikhrov
The Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia;
The Radiotechnical Academy, Ryazan, Russia
The transition from chaotic, random substance (liquid, plasma, gas) state to ordered (solid) state with strong bonds between elements (atoms and atom blocks) during production processes of different materials have been shown to be a nonequilibrium phase transition. Intermediate layers (IL) exist at the boundary between liquid and solid phases. Methods of the definition of the IL thickness and the time parameters are suggested. The IL properties differ from the properties of the boundary regions anomaly.
The substance in IL is in a strong nonequilibrium state of the bifurcation or the cascade of bifurcations. The processes in the IL determine the properties and the structure of the material being produced. The determinated chaos with a strange attractor has been shown to be the main form of dynamics in the IL. IL is a spatially inhomogeneous system. The mechanisms of the microscopic processes, the regularities of the evolution phase volume of IL, the influence of the control parameters and the boundary regions have been qualitatively examined.
The different experimental facts confirming the IL and determinated chaos existence are: the various structure defects with micro-, meso- macroscales, the weak reproductivity of properties from process to process, the peculiarities of the state distributions, the dependence of the structure on the substrate and the border conditions etc. have been examined from the point of view of the synergetics. These deficiencies of artificial materials have been shown to be the fundamental consequence of the nonequilibriumness and nonlinearity of the synthesis conditions. The properties of the surface have been examined from the same point of view. The fractal dimensions of some structuries of the material have been determined.