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Belykh Vladimir N., Belykh Igor V.

Nonlocal techniques for chaotic behavior and synchronization of a dynamical system
Vladimir N. Belykh, Igor V. Belykh
University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Many modern problems arising from the real system especially the systems from radiophysics modeled by multy-dimensional, strongly nonlinear, nonintegrable differential or difference equations. The study of such systems has spawn numerous new concepts and new results; e.g. Smale horseshoe, hetero-homoclinic orbits, hyberbolic sets, quasiattractors, strange attractors, etc. In this talk we will present a development of nonlocal 2-d comparison systems method exploited as a main tool of the theoretical and the computational analysis. This approach is related to the coupled system


where tex2html_wrap_inline2512 tex2html_wrap_inline2514 and h(t) are scalar functions, tex2html_wrap_inline2518 are nonnegative parameters, L is a differential operator


where the coefficients tex2html_wrap_inline2520 may be dependent on tex2html_wrap_inline2522 . We present three following assertions concerning system (gif).
1. In the case of tex2html_wrap_inline2524 with zero-flux boundary conditions at tex2html_wrap_inline2526 system (gif) is globally synchronized (solution tex2html_wrap_inline2528 is globally stable) for large tex2html_wrap_inline2530 and the system tex2html_wrap_inline2532 being stable.
2. In the case of tex2html_wrap_inline2534 the stationary system is hyperbolic for nonmonotonous coninuous function tex2html_wrap_inline2514 and some K;SPMgt;1 such that tex2html_wrap_inline2540 .
3. In the case of some nonmonotonous functions tex2html_wrap_inline2514 there exists a bifurcation set corresponding to the hetero-homoclinic orbits of the system (gif).

We will present also some geometric models of ODE having strange and quasistrange attractors in order to explain the complex structures of limiting sets for "simple" dynamical systems.

Finally, the computational complexity in the case of infinite set of bifurcations will be discussed.
This work was supported by grant INTAS-93-0570.

Book of abstracts