Quantum tunneling through classical chaos
Y. Karni and E.E. Nikitin
Department of Chemistry, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
and Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
We have made a comparative study of quantum and classical dynamics of a system that simulates either the vibrational predissociation of a van der Waals triatomic complex or the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule under the action of high-frequency radiation [1]. For our model, the quantum mechanical dissociation rate, calculated both by the accurate complex-scaling method [2] and by the Landau adiabatic perturbation theory [3], never becomes comparable to the classical dissociation rate. The latter either vanishes when the initial excitation energy of the dissociating oscillator is low (regular regime) or rapidly increases with energy (chaotic regime). The nonzero rate for the quantum dynamics at low energies is interpreted as tunneling. The lower rate for quantum dynamics at high energies (compared to that for classical dynamics) is related to the property of the phase space: in a chaotic regime, the classical system escapes to the dissociation continuum through the holes which are too narrow for a passage of a quantal object of finite action dimension . Therefore, a system still has to tunnel through the classical chaos.