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Arne Jakobsen

Symmetric attractors in systems of coupled logistic maps
Arne Jakobsen
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The Norwegian Institute of Technology
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway

In this paper we consider how the presence of tex2html_wrap_inline3018 -symmetry in a coupled map lattice (CML) of N cells imposes restrictions to the dynamics of the system. Bifurcations of stable states are explained by use of equivariant bifurcation theory. We list all possible symmetry types of period two points of the system and illustrate them with numerical examples. We also consider arbitrary types of chaotic attractors of such a system. Numerical results from simulations are given and the structure of the attractor is explained in terms of admissible and strongly admissible subgroups for such a system.

Lattice cell tex2html_wrap_inline3022 has local dynamics given by the one dimensional logistic map tex2html_wrap_inline3024 . We shall only consider nearest neighbor diffusive coupling. If we denote by tex2html_wrap_inline3026 the state vector tex2html_wrap_inline3028 at time tex2html_wrap_inline3030 , the dymanics of cell i at time tex2html_wrap_inline3034 is given by


Furthermore, we assume periodic boundary condition, that is, tex2html_wrap_inline3036 and tex2html_wrap_inline3038 . From this it follows that the map tex2html_wrap_inline3040 is tex2html_wrap_inline3018 -equivariant, that is, tex2html_wrap_inline3044 for all tex2html_wrap_inline3046 , where tex2html_wrap_inline3018 is the dihedral group.

We say that the tex2html_wrap_inline3050 -limit set tex2html_wrap_inline3052 of x under tex2html_wrap_inline3056 is an attractor for tex2html_wrap_inline3056 if A is stable. Now, assume that tex2html_wrap_inline3062 is a finite group acting linearly on tex2html_wrap_inline3064 . The symmetry group of A is defined by

tex2html_wrap_inline3068 .

An important result is that the attractor of the CML-dynamical system under consideration can possess a well defined global symmetry eve if the attractor is chaotic. Example of this phenomenon is given for N=3.

A result by Melbourne, Dellnitz and Golubitsky gives that the symmetry groups of chaotic attractors are subject to restrictions. The admissible subgroups depend crucially on the geometry of those reflection hyperplanes in tex2html_wrap_inline3064 that correspond to reflections that are in tex2html_wrap_inline2452 but not in tex2html_wrap_inline3076 . This enables us to explain some of the symmetric chaotic attractors observed in simulations. For N=3, there only exists attractors with symmetry conjugate to tex2html_wrap_inline3080 and tex2html_wrap_inline3082 . In the tex2html_wrap_inline3082 case we can also conclude the attractor is strongly admissible, that is, admissible and connected.

  1. A. Jakobsen, A Study of Coupled Cells With Logistic Dynamics - A Symmetry Approach, Ph.D. Thesis, The Norwegian Institute of Technology, University of Trondheim, (1994).
  2. K. Kaneko, Theory and Applications of Coupled Map Lattices, Nonlinear Science Theory and Applications, Wiley (1993).
  3. I. Melbourne, M. Dellnitz and M. Golubitsky, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 123 (1993) 75.
  4. I. Waller and R. Kapral, Physical Review A, 40(6) (1984) 2047.

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