Bifurcations of the normal form of pair
weakly linked oscillators
Sergey D. Glyzin
Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia
Two weakly linked oscillators interaction may be described by normal form
are amplitudes of near to harmonic oscillators
is phase difference.
The parameters
characterize oscillators and
define linkage
between them. This problem has non-trivial meaning only if
All possible
bifurcations of dynamic system (1) have been defined.
The decrease of linkage
parameter d implies instability of synchronous regime
complicate regimes may bifurcate.
There exist wide area of parameters where the system (1) demonstrates chaotic behavior. There occurs a bifurcations cascade of strange attractors while linkage parameter d increase. It is similar to doubling period cascade. At each stage of such cascade we have:
Further the process is repeated. This cascade implies the birth of chaotic attractor of higher Liapunov's dimension. Further increase of linkage parameter leads to separatrixes splitting bifurcation and chaotic attractor disappears.