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Freund J.

Entropy analysis of noise contaminated signals
J. Freund
Inst. of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

The regularities within a signal, e.g. the periodic components, can be detected using standard statistical tools like power spectrum. Dynamical entropies reflect structure within a signal in a wider sense. For their application one needs a conversion of a time/state-continuous signal to a time/state-discrete one, involving sampling and coarse graining techniques. At the order/chaos transition, e.g. period doubling accumulation point or quasi-periodicity, one thus may yield self similar symbol sequences. Long-range correlations are reflected by a characteristic scaling law valid for certain conditional entropies. The question arises whether these correlations survive some noise affecting the signal, hence, contaminating the pure structure. Noise is assumed to independently (white noise) flip symbols of the sequence with probability tex2html_wrap_inline2652 . We will show that in the weak noise limit tex2html_wrap_inline2922 the subexponential scaling law of conditional entropies will sustain this perturbation.

Book of abstracts