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Dmitriev Alexander, Panas Andrey, Starkov Sergey

Communication as a field using dynamical chaos
Alexander Dmitriev, Andrey Panas, Sergey Starkov
Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

One of intensively researching areas of use of dynamic chaos is the development of new information technologies. Alongside with questions of direct processing of information signals (coding, recording, storing, retrieving and etc.) important place is taken by the search and organization of non-traditional channels of transmitting of the information messages, both analog and digital.

The researches of the last 3-4 years testify the potential opportunities of use of dynamic chaotic signals as an information carrier. Application of spread spectrum signals, having by known advantages, the possibility of synthesis of the chaotic oscillations with the required spectrum characteristics, as well as use of specific properties of dynamic systems, such as the chaotic response and the chaotic synchronization, permit to hope for reception new qualities at the decision of communication problems. The construction of communication channel by means of chaotic carries requires careful research of a number of questions:

The input of the useful information in a transmitter.

Choice of suitable modulation type.

Extraction of the information a signal in a receiver.

The robustness of a communication system with the respect to receiver and transmitter parameters.

The influence of traffic nonuniformity and external noise.

The problem of the multiplicity of a communication channel.

In this report the ways of the decision of these problems with reference to particular models of communication channel with chaotic carrier are discussed. Some experimental results of transmitting complex analog information messages are demonstrated. The behavior of models under the revolting factors and the opportunity of adaptation of a reception are considered.

Book of abstracts