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Davidovich M.V.

SR in the circuits with trigger and cubic nonlinearity
M.V.Davidovich M.V. Davidovich
Saratov Technical University,
Saratov, Russia

The stochastic resonance (SR) in the circuits with nonlinear element (NE) which represented as ideal trigger or element with cubic current per voltage dependence have investigated. All circuits was represented as contour with series resistor R, nonlinear element (NE) and voltage source which was the additive signal S(t) and noise N(t) influence. The trigger NE was modeled by system of inequalities and conditions for threshold of switching tex2html_wrap_inline2782 and total voltage S(t) + N(t). For cubic NE we have the following algebraic equation:


where tex2html_wrap_inline2786 and tex2html_wrap_inline2788 are the current and voltage on the working point, e is the constant voltage to provide this point thus tex2html_wrap_inline2792 , tex2html_wrap_inline2794 is the module of negative differetial resistance for curve I(U) and tex2html_wrap_inline2798 is the voltage distance between two extremal points on the curve.

There is the simple signal amplification at the point tex2html_wrap_inline2788 when the noise is absent and tex2html_wrap_inline2802 for cubic NE and no output signal for trigger type NE. When the big noise is present then there are switchings between two stable states for both cases which can cause the amplification of the small regular signal ( tex2html_wrap_inline2804 ). This amplification and signal to noise ratio (SNR) increase when stochastic resonance (SR) occur or when the frequency of switching by noise is equal to the main frequency of the modulated signal [1]. In this work the amplification of amplitude and frequency modulated signals have explored for above mentioned circuits. As (1) have zero relaxation time, the single Kirhgoff procedure have been developed to solve it. For each time realization of the solutions the spectrum have been computed by use the fast Fourier integral tramsform based upon pulse-constant time discreditation of thise solution. The such transform for solitary pulse between moments tex2html_wrap_inline2768 and tex2html_wrap_inline2770 with amplitude V and duration tex2html_wrap_inline2812 is


To compute the SNR the stochastic averaging by use the several tens of the spectral realizations have used. The investigations show the strong (in order of several tens of decibel) wide band (about 20%) signal and noise amplification. The SNR increase when SR occur.

  1. V.S. Anishchenko, J. Stat. Phys., 70(1/2) (1993) 183.

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