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Awrejcewicz J., Lamarque C.-H., Tomczak K.

Control of multibody vibro-impact dynamics
J. Awrejcewicz, C.-H. Lamarque, K. Tomczak
Technical University of tex2html_wrap2364 odz, Division of Control and
Biomechanics (I-10), Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924 tex2html_wrap2364 odz, Poland;
Departament Génie Civil et Bâtiment
Ecole nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat
Rue Maurice Audin - 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin Cedex, France

The vibro-impact dynamics can be observe in amny real engineering systems, such as hammer-loke devices, balls and race dynamics in a ball bearing assembly, wheel-rail impact dynamics, etc. The analysis of vibro-impact dynamics has a long history in mechanics. Nowadays again this research field attracts strong interest, but in a frame of theories of modern dynamical systems. Bifurcation, chaos and catastrophe theories are applied to the analysis of contact vibrations, however, mainly of discrete mechanical systems with one or two degrees of freedom. Industrial examples tubes fretting wear through vibro- impact behaviour in nuclear reactors or impacts between old and high buildings excited by earthquakes) point out to the importance of further analysis of multibody vibro-impact systems.

The paper consists of four main parts. First, some of mechanical models of contact vibrations are proposed and discussed, including ideal impacts and ideal system constraints, quasi-plastic impacts as well as impacts with dry friction.

Then, a mechanical vibro-impact discrete model is established on the basis of the investigations of tubes impact dynamics in nuclear reactors. Also, regular (periodic and quasi-periodic) and chaotic behaviour of the multibody vibro-impact model is analysed numerically. Finally, a control of multibody vibro-impact dynamics is proposed and testified numerically. The nonlinear dynamics is investigated for a wide range of control parameters, mainly, of amplitude and and frequency of excitation. For certain values of control parameters, a period doubling scenario leading to chaos is observed and analysed, and also the synchronized motion of the system is found. Fundamental bifurcations and grazing bifurcations occurring in multibody vibro-impact systems are also discussed and controlled.

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