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Arshinov A.I. , Mudarisov R.R. and Poizner B.N.

Computer simulation of selforganization and selfreorganization
phenomena in nonlinear Fizeau interferometer

A.I. Arshinov , R.R. Mudarisov and B.N. Poizner
Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

The possibility of the new type of spatial-temporal selforganization, formed by Fizeau interferometer containing Kerr non-linear media (having diffusion and relaxation) and provided with two-dimensional feedback [1], is predicted as the result of computer simulation. Characteristic properties of optical structures generation under multifactor action,i.e. under several large- scale transformations of optical field in feedback circuit: shift of interferometer mirrors, turn of optical field, compression or tension cross size of the beam (when the transformations are realized simultaneously) are investigated. Results of optical selforganization under combination of large-scale space transformations of optical field furnish an infer that influence of each factor is different. Hierarchy of influence of mentioned transformations on optical selforganization in the interferometer is established. Cooperative effect of three factors on the selforganization is not equal to sum of its effects.

The authors suggest to name the selforganization under which the sequence of different dynamic spatial-temporal structures is steadily reproduced as "selfREorganization" and the regime under which the sequence of the structures repeats periodically to name as "CYCLICAL selfreorganization". Phenomena of optical structures rotation in cross section of laser beam was discovered by Moscow opticians [1]. Cyclical selfreorganization (which can be accompanied by rotation) is a further periodical process in optical synergetics. Cyclical selfreorganization, for example, is look like: if initial conditions appears as "chess desk" the structure is formed as a result of transition process. Then it changes spontaneously. The structure "A" is formed in the course of time. It take turns by the sequence of selfreorganized optical structures. A final structure is formed and its form not differs from the structure "A" form. Then the sequence of structures repeats periodically. The dependence of the cyclical selfreorganization on the system parameters is predicted and the conditions are described.

  1. S.A. Akhmanov, M.A. Vorontsov and V.Yu. Ivanov, Pis'ma v JETF, 47 (1988) 611.

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