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Ramasami T.

Developmental psychodynamics of adults as complex adaptive systems
- some insights and perspectives toward an unified approach using non-linear facet theory

T. Ramasami
Center for Complex Systems Research,
Beckman Institute, Champaign, IL 61820

A "Structure of intellect" model capable of integrating personnel selection by aptitude testing, personality theories, individual differences, etc. has been developed. The model would allow the grand unification of all these several fields. It may perhaps end the search for a paradigm that Eysenck (1983) talked about.

Identification of six primary psychological variables governing an individual's action in the work-world as well as society, and fitting them in the Guttman's (1966) circumplex model, has been worked out in this paper.

He presented model using the career theory of Holland (1973) and facet theory of Guttman, neatly explains the inter-relationship between cognitive and affective variables and that among cognitive variables themselves.

Book of abstracts