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Pravdin A.B., Chernova S.P., Kudryashov A.A.

On the dynamics of UV bleaching of epidermis autofluorescence
A.B. Pravdin, S.P. Chernova, A.A. Kudryashov
Department of Optics, Saratov State University, Russia

Autofluorescence spectroscopy, as a method for monitoring status of tissue and diagnosis of diseased tissue, has increased rapidly during recent years. Autofluorescence of skin tissue is phenomenon known since the early 20th century. Nowadays the fluorescence response of skin forms the basis of some diagnosis of skin diseases [1]. Epidermis autofluorescence on the hand could reveal alterations of natural fluorophores composition in epidermis pathologies (e. g. psoriasis) and on the other might distort precise measurement of tissue transmittance or reflectance, especially over UV range.

It is essential, that there exists an obstacle to in vivo measurement of epidermis autofluorescence because of intensive dermis fluorescence (it is so at least for 442 nm excitation [2]), so we modified surface epidermal stripping technique [3] as to employ in spectrophotometric study of human epidermis. In early experiments [4] the decrease in autofluorescence intensity of epidermal strippings under continuous tex2html_wrap_inline4176 laser irradiation has been observed. That autofluorescence decay was attributed to exponential photobleaching (irreversible photochemical transition into nonfluorescent molecule) of two epidermal fluorophores (plus one non-bleaching) under continuous UV irradiation. But in the present work in the course of studing epidermis autofluorescence under tex2html_wrap_inline4178 nm excitation we obtained the kinetic curves (fluorescence intensity vs time of irradiation) one of which is shown in the picture.

The form of the curves does not allow approximation by the sum of exponential decays, i.e. bleaching rate can not be represented as a linear combination of different fluorophores contents; as a tentative approximation of rate vs fluorophore content curve we suggested a polynomial of degree four in fluorophore.

  1. R.R. Anderson and L.S. Parrish, In the science of photomedicine. J.D.Regan and J.A.Parrish, Eds., (Plenum, New York, London, (1982) 147).
  2. H. Zeng, C. MacAulay, D.I. McLean, B. Palcic, Optical Engineering, 32 (8) (1993) 1809.
  3. V.V. Tuchin, S.R. Utz, I.V. Yaroslavsky, A.Yu. Barabanov, S.I. Dovzhansky, O.D. Odoevskaya, Proc. SPIE, 2100 (1993) 42.
  4. A.B. Pravdin, S.R. Utz, A.A. Alkhov, A.N. Bashkatov, Proc. SPIE, 2081 (1993) paper # 35.

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