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Makishima M. and Shimizu T.

Wandering motion and cooperative phenomena in a chaotic neural network
M. Makishima and T. Shimizu
Graduate School of Engineering, Kokushikan University, Tokyo 154, Japan

As a model of associative memory, Hopfield proposed the spin-glass model. The model has the advantage that the total energy decreases monotonically . At the same time, however, the model has the difficulty that the system cannot escape from the spurious minimum if the system falls into it. To remove the difficulty several methods are proposed, for example, the stochastic method or the chaotic method.

In this paper we propose a new model for associative memory with discrete time, in which the network itself can search for minima of the energy successively by using the wandering motion and cooperative phenomena.

In this model the state of neuron i tex2html_wrap_inline3728 of the consitituents of the network is specified by both the core variable tex2html_wrap_inline3730 and the memory variable tex2html_wrap_inline3732 at step n. The core variable tex2html_wrap_inline3730 is generated by using a map f(x,a) : tex2html_wrap_inline3740 , where tex2html_wrap_inline3742 is a bifurcation parameter at step n. The memory variable tex2html_wrap_inline3732 is the quantity which describes the past history for the input information of neuron i. Then the output tex2html_wrap_inline3750 of neuron i is defined by tex2html_wrap_inline3754 . The memory variable tex2html_wrap_inline3732 is determined by tex2html_wrap_inline3758 , where I is the external input, tex2html_wrap_inline3762 is the threshold, tex2html_wrap_inline3764 denotes the coupling constant between neuron i and neuron j and tex2html_wrap_inline2596 is the decay constant. The bifurcation parameter tex2html_wrap_inline3742 of the map f(x,a) is defined in terms of tex2html_wrap_inline3732 by tex2html_wrap_inline3778 , where A, B and C are constants. If the system once falls into some minimum of the energy, the output tex2html_wrap_inline3750 remains constant and so tex2html_wrap_inline3732 will increase or decrease monotonically. Therefore we introduce the threshold tex2html_wrap_inline3790 with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline3792 to escape from the minimum. If tex2html_wrap_inline3794 , the magnitude and sign of tex2html_wrap_inline3732 at step n is updated according to tex2html_wrap_inline3800 , where D is a constant.

By using this model we can clearly discuss the mechanism or the dynamics of the wandering motion and cooperative phenomena in a chaotic neural network to search for minima of the energy. We have applied the above network to the problem of associative memory, where the system has tex2html_wrap_inline3804 neurons and 3 patterns are stored. The network could retrieve all of stored patterns successively. The ratio of correct retrieval was more than tex2html_wrap_inline3808 . The neural network was also applied to TSP with tex2html_wrap_inline3810 neurons. The network could find the shortest route and the other very quickly.

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