The Stochastic resonance for a wide range of noise intensity
N.V. Agudov
Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia
A theoretical approach for obtaining of the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) on the output of the periodically driven nonlinear system is elaborated. It is supposed that the system can be in two states: y=-d, y=d, and is described by a potential profile U(x):
where is the white Gaussian noise with , , and D is the noise intensity.
If the potential profile is bistable and the potential barrier E is very high, the SNR for this system may be obtained in the well-known adiabatic approximation (See e.g. B.McNamara, K. Wiesenfeld, Phys.Rev.A 39, 4854 (1989)). In this case the theoretical expression for the SNR is valid when:
where is an amplitude of changing of the barrier height E and is the relaxation time of the nonstationary probability distribution within a potential well.
The presented approach is quasi-stationar and is valid when
where is the relaxation time of the nonstationary distribution in the whole system, i. e. it is supposed that in any moment of time t the probability distribution W(x,t) is stationary: , where N is the normalization factor. The ratio of the barrier height E to the noise intensity D may be arbitrary. The dependence of SNR on the input noise intensity D obtained within this approach is investigated for the systems described by the various mono- and bi-stable potential profiles with any barrier height. The influence of the barrier height E on the SNR is analysed and physically interpreted. The conditions of arising of stochastic resonance in mono- and bi-stable systems are discussed.