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Controlling Spatiotemporal Chaos in One- and Two-Dimensional Coupled Logistic Map Lattices

Vladimir V. Astakhov, Vadim S. Anishchenko,
Galina I. Strelkova, Alexey V. Shabunin
Laboratory of Nonlinear Dynamics,
Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia


Abstract. A method of control of spatiotemporal chaos in lattices of coupled maps is proposed in this work. Forms of spatiotemporal perturbations of a system parameter are analytically determined for one- and two-dimensional logistic map lattices with different kinds of coupling to stabilize chosen spatiotemporal states previously unstable. The results are illustrated by numerical simulation. Controlled transition from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the previously chosen regular spatiotemporal patterns is demonstrated.


Recently, in the frames of the dynamical chaos theory there has appeared a new branch. It is the control of chaos, e.g. transformation of initial chaotic behaviour of the system to the desired regular one by means of small influences on the system. This problem is connected with different fields of science and attracts a growing interest due to its potential applications (1-13).

Now, the possibility of effective control of temporal chaos has been investigated rather well. A number of works devoted to the important problem of controlling spatiotemporal chaos in high-dimensional and distributed systems has also appeared (10-13), which has suggested some methods of controlling chaos in coupled map chains.

In this work we propose a way of spatiotemporal chaos control in coupled map lattices. Forms of spatiotemporal perturbations of a system parameter are analytically determined for one- and two-dimensional coupled logistic map lattices to convert the systems to the chosen regular spatiotemporal states of the lattice. Controlled transitions of the system from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the spatio-homogeneous regimes with temporal periods one, two, four and to more complicated regular regimes with different spatial and temporal periods have been demonstrated by numerical simulations.


We shall consider the coupled logistic map chains with two types of coupling.



with periodic boundary conditions tex2html_wrap_inline378 , where tex2html_wrap_inline380 is the parameter of nonlinearity, tex2html_wrap_inline382 is the coefficient of coupling and tex2html_wrap_inline384 is a value of the dynamical variable in the point with discrete coordinate i and in discrete time moment n ( tex2html_wrap_inline390 where N is the number of elements in the chain). With varying parameters tex2html_wrap_inline380 and tex2html_wrap_inline382 , in the systems (1) and (2) there exists complex spatiotemporal dynamics. For example, the formation of domain structures, different spatio-periodic regimes as well as the regime of spatial intermittency of competitive structures can occur in system (1). (14-17). As the parameter tex2html_wrap_inline380 is further increased, the system transits to the regime of developed spatiotemporal chaos. In the chain with linear coupling (2) before the critical parameters values the zigzag unstability prevails. Then, the stable spatio-periodic regime with wavelength tex2html_wrap_inline400 and temporal period T=2 is formed on the basis of the zigzag unstability. While tex2html_wrap_inline380 is increased, it is changed by quasi-periodic motion, after which the transition to the spatiotemporal chaos takes place. On the basis of zigzag patterns appearance of defects is also possible as well as Brownian motion of the defects and the defect turbulence (14-17). A variety of different unstable regular spatiotemporal states co-exists on the chaotic attractor of these systems. There is an important question, how to stabilize a chaotic trajectory near these unstable structures by applying the perturbations on a system parameter.

Suppose, that unstable spatio-homogeneous states with temporal period T=s and spatio-periodic structures with wavelength tex2html_wrap_inline400 and temporal period T=2, tex2html_wrap_inline412 and T=2, tex2html_wrap_inline416 and T=4 co-exist in the regime of chaos. Consider the simplest case. It is the spatio-homogeneous regime with some temporal period T=s. Suppose, the element of the chain (1) with coordinate i enters a small neighbourhood of the fixed-point tex2html_wrap_inline424 of the periodic orbit with period s. Then we present the dynamical variable in the form:


(where tex2html_wrap_inline428 is a small perturbation of the dynamical variable near the fixed-point tex2html_wrap_inline424 ). We shall consider the parameter of nonlinearity tex2html_wrap_inline380 as available for control. Write it in the form:


(where tex2html_wrap_inline434 is a small perturbation of the parameter near its nominal value tex2html_wrap_inline436 ).

Rewrite the system (1), taking into account (3) and (4), as follows:


where k=1,...,s.

Suppose, the values of the neighbouring elements with coordinates i-1 and i+1 differ from the value of the fixed point tex2html_wrap_inline424 by such a magnitude, that the last term in the equation (5) can be comparable with tex2html_wrap_inline428 . Then, we write the equations for the fixed point and for the evolution of the dynamical variable perturbation of the i-th element:



where k=1,...,s.

Choose the parameter perturbations of the i-th element depending on its variable and on the variables of the neigbouring elements as follows:


Substituting (8) into (7), we obtain coefficients tex2html_wrap_inline454 and tex2html_wrap_inline456 at which the perturbations of the dynamical variable of the i-th element decrease in time. The form of the parameter perturbation of the system (1) to convert the system (1) from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the spatio-homogeneous regime with temporal period T=s is as follows:


where k=1,...,s.

To test the obtained results, numerical simulation has been carried out with the coupled logistic map chain (1). Let our task be to convert chaotic behaviour to the spatio-homogeneous one with T=1. At first, we determine from (6) the value of the fixed point tex2html_wrap_inline466 . Then, having set the values of the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline468 and tex2html_wrap_inline470 , which correspond to the regime of spatiotemporal chaos, we wait for the moment in the evolution of the system when the value of one of elements falls within the tex2html_wrap_inline472 -neighbourhood of the tex2html_wrap_inline466 . After that, the magnitude tex2html_wrap_inline476 is evaluated. If it is less than the given tex2html_wrap_inline472 , the parameter perturbation in the form (9) is introduced to influence this element. When other elements enter the given neighbourhood, the perturbations begin to act on their parameters, if the mentioned above condition is satisfied. Gradual transition of the elements to the chosen state is observed. At first, there appear small randomly distributed spatio-homogeneous patterns. Then, they gradually expand and as the result occupy the whole chain and a stationary spatio-homogeneous regime is observed in the system. The process of the control is consistently illustrated in the fig. 1a. The parameter perturbations having been turned off, the system naturally returns to the regime of spatiotemporal chaos.

Transformation of chaotic behaviour into a spatio-homogeneous one with larger temporal period is performed in the similar way. In this case the form of the parameter perturbation gets complicated as seen from the expression (9). Thus, to transit to the regime with temporal period two it is necessary to use two kinds of perturbations. One of them acts when the system elements enter the neighbourhood of the point tex2html_wrap_inline466 , while the other perturbation acts at the next iteration when they enter the neighbourhood of the point tex2html_wrap_inline482 . For the regime with temporal period four, there are four similar expressions of the perturbations, every of which influences the system parameter at the determined time moment and so on. The transition of the system from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the spatio-homogeneous regime with temporal periods T=2 and T=4 is illustrated in fig. 1b,c.

It should be mentioned, that both in our investigations and in the work (13), the small patterns of unhomogeneous behaviour remained uncontrollable when the system has been converted to spatio-homogeneous regimes with temporal periods larger than one. To eliminate these dislocations we have applied a small random influence on them. As the result the whole chain has converted to the regimes of spatio-homogeneous motions.

The more complicated situations are controlled transitions of the chain to spatio-periodic structures with tex2html_wrap_inline400 and T=2, tex2html_wrap_inline412 and T=2, and tex2html_wrap_inline416 and T=4. In this case our approach is as follows. We decompose all elements of the lattice on tex2html_wrap_inline500 groups. The elements of every such group, located at the distance tex2html_wrap_inline502 (p=1,2,...) from each other, have equal values of the dynamical variable tex2html_wrap_inline506 . Having written the equation (1) for every group of the elements we obtain the system of equations:


tex2html_wrap_inline508 . Then, using the system (10) and applying the approach considered for spatio-homogeneous regimes to every such group of the elements, we obtain expressions for the parameter perturbations to convert the coupled map chain (1) from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the spatio-periodic structures mentioned above.

For example, for the controlled transition to the state with tex2html_wrap_inline400 and T=2 the following form of perturbations has been used:



where tex2html_wrap_inline522 are values of the fixed points (see fig.1d), tex2html_wrap_inline524

To convert the lattice to the state with tex2html_wrap_inline412 and T=2, the character of the perturbations is as follows:



where tex2html_wrap_inline542 are the values of the fixed points (see fig. 1e),

Forms of the parameter perturbations to convert the system to the spatio- periodic structure with tex2html_wrap_inline416 and T=4 can be obtained in the similar way. The figure 1d-f demonstrates the results of numerical simulation for the controlled transition from the spatiotemporal chaos to spatio-periodic structure with tex2html_wrap_inline550 (fig. 1d), tex2html_wrap_inline552 (fig. 1e), tex2html_wrap_inline554 (fig. 1f). In principle, the procedure of control is the same as in the case of spatio-homogeneous states. Only the form of the parameter perturbations gets complicated: the form of the chosen structure is more complicated, the character of the perturbation is more complicated. It depends on both a coordinate i and an iteration n, when a value of the dynamical variable falls within the neighbourhood of the fixed point.

In considered situations if we use not all but a part of conditions on the parameter perturbations (11-14), the effect of control is reached also. However, in this case the time of transient process extremely grows.

Suggested approach for spatiotemporal chaos control can be applied to chains with other kinds of coupling. It is easy to get expressions for the parameter tex2html_wrap_inline380 perturbations to convert system (2) to different spatio-homogeneous and spatio-periodic regimes. For example, for controlled transition to the spatio-homogeneous regime with temporal period T=1 the expression of the parameter perturbations is as follows:


The parameter perturbations ensuring transition to the spatio-periodic structure with tex2html_wrap_inline400 and T=2 in the chain (2) are as follows:



Numerical investigations have shown that spatiotemporal chaos in the linear coupled logistic map chain can be convert to the same spatio-homogeneous and spatio-periodic states which have been considered in system (1). The transient process of system (2) from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the chosen states does not differ qualitatively from the corresponding processes in system (1), which have been described and illustrated in fig. 1.

Efficiency of controlling chaos in the coupled map chains (1) and (2) depends on magnitude of the parameter of nonlinearity tex2html_wrap_inline380 and the coefficient of coupling tex2html_wrap_inline382 . For example, preliminary investigations have shown that transformation of system (1) to the spatio-homogeneous regime with temporal period one in the interval of parameters values tex2html_wrap_inline580 and tex2html_wrap_inline582 during 15000 iterations at N=20 is reached only in the range of the parameters values allocated in the fig. 2 by hatching. We could not transfer the system from chaotic regime to the spatio-homogeneous one during 15000 iterations if tex2html_wrap_inline382 was more than 0.04. However, transition of the system to spatio-periodic regimes has been feasible outside the allocated domain.

It is evident that the possibility to convert the system from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the desired spatiotemporal structure depends on the probability of the chain element to enter the tex2html_wrap_inline472 -neighbourhood of the corresponding fixed point. Fig. 3 demonstrates how the probability density of the existence of a chain element variable in the fixed point tex2html_wrap_inline466 of the spatio-homogeneous regime with T=1 depends on the parameter values. One can see that the largest magnitudes of the probability density are located in the domain, where the controlled transition to the mentioned spatiotemporal state is observed (see fig. 2).

Both our preliminary investigations and the results of work (13) don't present comprehensive answer to the question about the dependence of the parameter values on the effect of chaos control. It requires further investigations.


The suggested approach of controlling spatiotemporal chaos can be used to lattices of higher dimension.

Consider two-dimensional coupled logistic map lattice:


with periodic boundary conditions. tex2html_wrap_inline594 is the size of the lattice).

When the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline380 and tex2html_wrap_inline382 are varied, complex spatiotemporal dynamics is observed in the lattice. Without detailed discussion, we shall only note that there exist parameters values areas with developed spatiotemporal chaos. It is preceded by complicated bifurcational transitions between different spatiotemporal regimes (16,17).

To convert the lattice from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to regular states, we determine the form of the parameter perturbations in the same way as for the chains. As the example, we shall write the forms of perturbations for controlled transition to spatio-homogeneous regimes with temporal period T=s and to so-called "checkerboard structure" (17-19). In this structure neighbouring elements of the lattice oscillate out-phase with temporal period T=2. The prototype of this regime in the one-dimensional lattices (1) and (2) is zigzag structure, which is spatio-periodic regime with tex2html_wrap_inline400 and T=2.

From the analysis of the evolution equations of the dynamical variable perturbation of an element in the neighbourhood of the noted unstable regimes, it is seen that to convert the lattice (18) to the previously unstable spatio-homogeneous regimes with T=s we have to add the perturbation in the form:


(where tex2html_wrap_inline610 , tex2html_wrap_inline424 is the fixed point of the orbit with T=s) to the parameter of nonlinearity of the system.

If the perturbation has the form:



(where tex2html_wrap_inline624 are the fixed points) one can stabilize the checkerboard structure.

Figures 4-6 show the results of numerical simulation of spatiotemporal chaos control in the two-dimensional coupled logistic map lattice. The lattice with tex2html_wrap_inline626 elements has been used in the experiments. We have chosen the values of the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline628 and tex2html_wrap_inline470 when there is a regime of spatiotemporal chaos in the lattice (fig. 4a, 5a, 6a). The procedure of control in the lattice have been the similar to that in the chain. Following the value of the variable of every element in the lattice we wait for the moment when it enters the chosen tex2html_wrap_inline472 -neighbourhood. Then, the corresponding perturbations of the system's parameter are introduced if the conditions on the amplitude of the influence are satisfied. The figures consistently illustrate the controlled transitions from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to the spatio-homogeneous ones with T=1 (fig. 4), T=2 (fig. 5) and to the checkerboard structure (fig. 6).

The transient process is the same as in the chains. At first, there appear small randomly distributed patterns, expanding step-by-step and as the result occupying the whole lattice (see fig. 4-6).


This work presents a method of spatiotemporal chaos control in one- and two-dimensional coupled map lattices. The controlled transitions from the regime of spatiotemporal chaos to different chosen regular spatiotemporal states have been demonstrated following the example of the logistic map lattices with two kinds of coupling.

Duration of the transient process is rather small. Unfortunately, to apply this method it is necessary to know the obvious form of the dynamical system for determining structure of the available system parameter. Nevertheless, we suppose the obtained results can be useful for study of processes of spatiotemporal chaos control in more complicated lattices with unknown view of a partial element.


The work was supported by International Science Foundation (grant RNO 000) and Russian Foundation of Fundamental Natural Sciences (grant 93-8.2-10)

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Tue Jan 21 12:25:45 GMT+0300 1997