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Tomasz Kapitaniak

On transverse stability of synchronized chaotic attractors
Tomasz Kapitaniak
Division of Dynamics, Technical University of Lodz,
Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924 Lodz, Poland

The problem of synchronization of chaotic systems can be understood as a problem of stability of n-dimensional chaotic attractor in m-dimensional phase space (m;SPMgt;n). Let A be a chaotic attractor. The basin of attraction tex2html_wrap_inline3096 is the set of points whose tex2html_wrap_inline3050 -limit set is contained in A. In Milnor's definition [1] of an attractor the basin of attraction need not include the neighbourhood of the attractor. For example, a riddle basin [4,5] has positive Lebesque measure but does not contain any neighbourhood of the attractor. Attractor A is an asymptotically stable attractor if it is Lyapunov stable tex2html_wrap_inline3104 has positive Lebesque measure) and tex2html_wrap_inline3096 contains neighbourhood of A.

In this letter we define monotonic stability of attractor as a special case of asymptotic stability and show that it is characteristic for coupled systems.

Consider a system


consisting of two coupled identical subsystems governed by


where x,y  tex2html_wrap_inline3110  R tex2html_wrap_inline3112 , tex2html_wrap_inline3114 , tex2html_wrap_inline3116 R tex2html_wrap_inline3118 . Assume that x=f(x) and y=f(y) have asymptotically stable chaotic attractor A in invariant subspace R tex2html_wrap_inline3126 N.

As it was shown in [3] chaotic attractor A is asymptotically stable in R tex2html_wrap_inline3130 if tex2html_wrap_inline3132 where tex2html_wrap_inline3134 is the largest Lyapunov exponent of chaotic state. In this case the synchronized state x(t)=y(t) is achieved for all initial conditions in the neighbourhood of A. The detailed description of the dynamics of the system (1) for tex2html_wrap_inline3142 can be found in [2] and will not be discussed here. Dynamical phenomena characteristic for this range of D values have been also described in [4-6].

With further increase of tex2html_wrap_inline3146 we can observe a special case of asymptotic stability of attractor A. Let z tex2html_wrap_inline3150 [x tex2html_wrap_inline3152 , y tex2html_wrap_inline3152 ] tex2html_wrap_inline3156 be the initial perturbation of the trajectory of the system (1) and let us define the distance of the perturbed trajectory z(t) from the attractor A as


If d(z(t), A) is a monotonically decreasing function of time t then attractor A is monotonically stable. It should be noted here that stability depends on a metric d(z(t), A). In this sense monotonicity is a quantitative property of the attractor and may depend on the observables. For example the linear system (x,y)=(-ax+by, -ay-bx) with tex2html_wrap_inline3176 exhibits monotonic decay of tex2html_wrap_inline3178 , but if we choose tex2html_wrap_inline3180 with tex2html_wrap_inline3182 this decay will no longer be monotonic. In this example eigenvalues are complex (with negative real part) so the transition from monotonic to asymptotic stability is no connected with well-known in linear analysis transition from spiral to node.

For the simplified analysis of the stability of chaotic attractor A let us introduce new variable


With this transformation one replaces system (1) with the equivalent system


The first equation (5) describes evolution in the neighbourhood of n-dimensional invariant suvspace N while the second equation (6) describes the evolution transverse to subspace N. The spectrum of Lyapunov exponents of eq. (5,6) can be easily divided into two subsets tex2html_wrap_inline3192 associated with the evolution of x(t) describing dynamics in subspace N while the other set tex2html_wrap_inline3198 describes propagation of perturbation normal to N.

Let us linearize eq. (6) in the neighbourhood of the attractor A, i.e. in the neighbourhood of the fixed point e=0 with the condition tex2html_wrap_inline3206 . In this case one obtains equation,




and x = [x,e] tex2html_wrap_inline3208 .

The introduced concept of linearization in the neighbourhood of the attractor allows us to reduce the problem of analysis of the stability of the attractor to the problem of investigation of the stability of the fixed point e=0 of the eq. (6).

The main result of this paper is as follows
The chaotic attractor A is asymptotically and monotonically stable in metric (3) in R tex2html_wrap_inline3130 if for all x tex2html_wrap_inline3110 A, e=0 is the asymptotically stable fixed point of eq. (3).

Examples of application of this results will be given.

  1. J. Milnor, Commun. Math. Phys., 99 (1985) 177.
  2. P. Ashwin, J. Buescu and I. Stewart, Phys. Lett. A 193 (1994) 126.
  3. T. Yamada and H. Fujisaka, Prog. Theor. Phys., 70 (1983) 1240.
  4. E. Ott, J.C. Sommerer, Phys. Lett. A, 188 (1994) 39.
  5. E. Ott, J.C. Sommerer, J.C. Alexander, I. Kan and J.A. Yorke, Physica D, 76 (1994) 384.
  6. T. Kapitaniak, and W.-H. Steeb, Phys. Lett. 152A (1991) 33.

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