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Erofeyev V.I.

Solitons in a damaged medium
V.I. Erofeyev
Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Mechanical Engineering
Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The propagation of longitudinal and shear waves in a damaged medium with microstructure is investigated [1,2]. In order to describe the behavior of an elastic medium with microfractures, the internal energy is specified in the form of a Myasnikov-Luakhovskii potential, the presence of microstructure is taken into account with the aid of the Le Roux hypothesis:


where tex2html_wrap_inline2866 and tex2html_wrap_inline2868 are invariants of the strain tensor, tex2html_wrap_inline2870 is the microdistortion gradient. the resulting mathematical model is strongly nonlinear and can describe stationary waves. Dependencies relating the primary wave parameters to the extent of material fracturing are determined. It is shown that these dependencies may be used as basis for developing an acoustic technique to test the fracturing of materials.

  1. V.I. Erofeyev, in Proc. EUROMECH-303. Moscow-Perm. (1993) 35.
  2. V.I. Erofeyev, Acoustical Physics, 40(1) (1994) 57.

Book of abstracts